I’ve created a new R function called spreadPoints, in my basicPlotteR package.

The spreadPoints() function is designed to add points onto an existing boxplot. The points are spread out to avoid overlap. It works a lot like the stripchart, but it doesn’t spread points randomly. Here it is at work in R:

There is still work to be done on this function but give it a go and let me know what you think. You just need to download my basicPlotteR package:

# Install the devtools package to install packages from GitHub

# Install my basicPLotteR package directly from GitHub

# Load it!

# Generate some example points - drawn from exponential distribution
values <- rnorm(n=50)
# Plot a boxplot
boxplot(values, xlab="",  ylab="", frame=FALSE, las=1, pch=19)
# Plot the points spread along the X axis
spreadPoints(values, position=1, col="blue")

spreadPoints() at work!

The spreadPoints() function works with the following steps:

  1. Split the Y axis into equally sized bins
  2. Assign each Y point into a bin
  3. Examine each Y axis bin:
    a. Count the points in current bin
    b. Split the X axis space available, to give the same amount of space to each point
    c. Working from the middle, work out left and right assigning each point a new Y coordinate
  4. Plot the points with modified Y values

Well hopefully that’s a helpful addition to the basicPlotteR package. Showing the underlying points on a boxplot is very important, particularly when there are only a few points available and I wanted a method that was non-random.

Still plenty of work to do on this, so give it a go and let me knwo what you think! 😊