basicPlotteR is an R package designed to help you making plots in base R. The base R package is the package that comes with R, it contains all those functions that makes R what it is.

There are loads of plotting functions available in the base R package. I try to use these as much as possible as I think they give me the most flexibility in how I create my plots. I designed basicPlotteR package to be a collection of additional plotting functions that add a little bit extra to the base plotting functions.

I’ll keep adding functions to basicPlotteR, for the moment though my favourite is addTextLabels(). It mimics the base R function text() by adding text labels to an existing plot, but it re-positions text to avoiding any overlapping.


There are loads more functions to play around with. Download the package and get started with the following code:

# Install the devtools R package - for downloading packages from github

# Install basicPlotteR

# Load the basicPlotteR package


To learn more, take a look at the github page here.